Thursday, April 26, 2007

Adwords Editor

So let's review what happened since last report. After I set my goals to reach 50$ per day by end of week and 100$ per day by end of month I was forced to quickly reconsider my goals. And most probably you thought I did it because those goals were not possible to reach within such short period of time. Well reason was different

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

News about my adsense arbitrage quest

Well I started this venture about a month ago when I purchased ebook called Adsense Arbitrage by Michael Plante who discovered this method in such variation just few months ago. As Michael warned this will not be something quick and easy but once conquered then indeed worth it. Today when I checked my reports I found that I have finally hit that first golden niche which will bring those arbitrage profits and I must say feeling is great. After trying around 8 niches or so mostly with results of barely covering expenses but only once with loosing trend which I quickly cut off and lost only a dollar or so finally I have found one that gives at least twice as much I am spending in getting the traffic. To show you what I mean check out my screenshots (I blanked some data to follow google rules about sharing this data) from todays statistics of both adwords report which shows my expenses for today

and adsense report which shows my earnings for today

As you can see I am earning almost 3 times more than spending on my traffic and this is my goal I was aiming at. It didn't go this way from day one of course as I had to test various niches for their profitability and as you can see from next screenshot

something worth mentioning as any earnings started only last Friday when I discovered this new quite profitable niche and since then depending on my optimisation efforts earnings have been increasing more or less until today when I hit new record of 20$ in earnings per day. So as you can see I am slowly getting into same trend Michael has shown in his screenshot and my next goal is reaching 50$ per day which I hope to reach by end of this week and hopefully 100$ per day by end of month. So my quest in testing this method is a success as you can see and now I am even more motivated getting into this business because fun part about it is after you create those minisites with HyperVRE it's mostly watching those profits coming in and optimising some parameters like daily budget and cost per click for increasing those. Currently totals for spending part in adwords are around 60$ but earnings reached 100$ already and as you noticed that payment on hold notice I am now waiting my pin code to validate my billing address and then I will receive my first check from Adsense. So some patience is required but as I learned method in general does work which is the most important part. I will continue reporting about my progress now more frequent because there is finally something to show and so you can see how I succeed with my new set goals.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Free tool for site generation

As I expected most time consuming part of this adsense arbitrage method will be creation of those sites and optimising them for higher adsense click through rate which would result in higher earnings. While last one I still haven't touched yet I have great news about site creation part. I found a free tool yes it is indeed free that will not just allow automating site creation part but also includes keyword generation, article searching, keyword density checking and many other great features that make this process fast and smooth. Name of this great tool is HyperVRE.
After learning how to use it and creating template for my sites I am now able to generate entire niche site with as much as 200-300 pages in it each with different content and correctly crosslinked and even grouped in major topics within 30-40 minutes. Yes you read this correctly that's indeed possible to create even 10 such sites during one day once you have created few and learned how this works. For example look at one of those quickly created sites at Forex niche site which I made within 20 minutes just few days ago and it is already bringing me 2-3$ per day in adsense earnings.
If you are serious about adsense arbitrage making work you have to understand that it is a numbers game mostly and experienced in this field people say that only 2-3 niches out of 10 tested usually give profit margin that is worth pushing further. So if you don't want to spend weeks or even months creating those sites but want fast and quick results this tool is must have and considering that it's free there is nothing that can prevent you from downloading and using it. I can even send you template package for this software so you get into creation process even faster. So if you plan to download it and use just drop me an e-mail to and I will send you template package made specially for HyperVRE with all variables included and adsense optimised.
Author of this great software is Matt Callen brother of famous Brad Callen who created currently most popular keyword tool Keyword Elite which I also purchased some time ago and I am using it quite a lot as it offers very advanced keyword researching options no other tool can provide.